Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2025-03-13 17:06:35.
FossilLast ChangeSize
- .editorconfig5.34 years299
- .fossil-settings23.0 hours
- binary-glob2.75 years199
- clean-glob3.99 years188
- crlf-glob23.0 hours130
- encoding-glob8.19 years88
- ignore-glob2.31 years133
- .project12.56 years199
- .settings12.54 years
- org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs12.54 years55
- org.eclipse.core.runtime.prefs12.56 years48
- auto.def4.0 days35,289
- autosetup13.6 days
- autosetup166.7 days62,853
- autosetup-config.guess169.8 days50,743
- autosetup-config.sub169.8 days39,713
- autosetup-find-tclsh139.5 days784
- autosetup-test-tclsh13.07 years531
- cc-db.tcl233.7 days390
- cc-lib.tcl233.7 days4,500
- cc-shared.tcl233.7 days3,659
- cc.tcl166.7 days21,039
- default.auto11.96 years530
- jimsh0.c191.1 days628,010
- LICENSE13.68 years1,737
- local.tcl13.6 days1,832
- pkg-config.tcl233.7 days5,157
- README.autosetup191.1 days382
- system.tcl233.7 days11,731
- tmake.auto233.7 days2,026
- tmake.tcl233.7 days1,209
- BUILD.txt133.6 days2,712
- compat1.14 years
- tcl-8.611.49 years
- generic11.49 years
- tcl.h11.49 years93,967
- tclDecls.h11.49 years164,984
- tclPlatDecls.h11.50 years3,286
- zlib1.14 years
- adler32.c1.56 years4,964
- amiga12.29 years
- Makefile.pup12.29 years1,981
- Makefile.sas12.29 years1,847
- ChangeLog1.14 years83,837
- CMakeLists.txt1.14 years7,649
- compress.c1.56 years2,613
- configure1.14 years28,199
- contrib1.14 years
- blast2.88 years
- blast.c8.19 years18,162
- blast.h2.88 years3,864
- Makefile12.29 years127
- README12.29 years74
- test.pk12.29 years8
- test.txt12.29 years13
- delphi1.14 years
- readme.txt12.29 years2,500
- ZLib.pas1.14 years16,412
- ZLibConst.pas12.29 years186
- zlibd32.mak12.29 years2,360
- dotzlib1.14 years
- DotZLib.build12.29 years1,175
- DotZLib.chm12.29 years72,726
- DotZLib.sln12.29 years907
- DotZLib1.14 years
- AssemblyInfo.cs12.29 years2,500
- ChecksumImpl.cs1.14 years8,041
- CircularBuffer.cs12.29 years2,246
- CodecBase.cs1.56 years6,334
- Deflater.cs12.29 years3,992
- DotZLib.cs12.29 years9,927
- DotZLib.csproj12.29 years5,396
- GZipStream.cs1.56 years11,159
- Inflater.cs12.29 years3,740
- UnitTests.cs1.14 years7,684
- LICENSE_1_0.txt12.29 years1,359
- readme.txt1.56 years2,358
- gcc_gvmat6412.29 years
- gvmat64.S12.29 years16,413
- infback91.14 years
- infback9.c1.56 years21,608
- infback9.h1.56 years1,564
- inffix9.h12.29 years6,599
- inflate9.h12.29 years1,991
- inftree9.c1.14 years13,405
- inftree9.h1.14 years2,881
- README12.29 years51
- iostream12.29 years
- test.cpp12.29 years526
- zfstream.cpp12.29 years5,112
- zfstream.h12.29 years2,467
- iostream212.29 years
- zstream.h12.29 years9,283
- zstream_test.cpp12.29 years711
- iostream31.14 years
- README12.29 years1,490
- test.cc12.29 years1,490
- TODO12.29 years491
- zfstream.cc12.29 years13,447
- zfstream.h1.14 years12,240
- minizip1.14 years
- configure.ac1.14 years786
- crypt.h1.56 years4,801
- ioapi.c1.56 years7,740
- ioapi.h1.14 years7,100
- iowin32.c1.56 years13,749
- iowin32.h1.56 years831
- make_vms.com12.29 years901
- Makefile1.14 years563
- Makefile.am12.29 years818
- miniunz.c1.14 years18,126
- miniunzip.111.83 years1,861
- minizip.111.83 years1,462
- minizip.c1.56 years15,088
- minizip.pc.in12.29 years263
- MiniZip64_Changes.txt1.56 years108
- MiniZip64_info.txt12.29 years3,048
- mztools.c1.56 years8,091
- mztools.h12.29 years708
- unzip.c1.14 years67,640
- unzip.h1.14 years16,448
- zip.c1.14 years65,418
- zip.h1.14 years15,517
- pascal1.14 years
- example.pas12.29 years15,687
- readme.txt12.29 years3,004
- zlibd32.mak12.29 years2,360
- zlibpas.pas1.14 years10,126
- puff1.14 years
- Makefile12.29 years1,899
- puff.c1.14 years37,882
- puff.h11.83 years1,415
- pufftest.c2.41 years4,918
- README2.41 years3,077
- zeros.raw12.29 years2,517
- README.contrib2.41 years2,240
- testzlib1.56 years
- testzlib.c1.56 years7,644
- testzlib.txt12.29 years205
- untgz1.56 years
- Makefile12.29 years234
- Makefile.msc12.29 years281
- untgz.c1.56 years16,736
- vstudio1.14 years
- readme.txt1.14 years3,136
- vc91.14 years
- miniunz.vcproj2.41 years12,935
- minizip.vcproj2.41 years12,749
- testzlib.vcproj2.41 years17,457
- testzlibdll.vcproj2.41 years12,974
- zlib.rc1.14 years954
- zlibstat.vcproj2.41 years18,106
- zlibvc.def1.14 years7,333
- zlibvc.sln12.29 years10,612
- zlibvc.vcproj2.41 years26,409
- vc101.14 years
- miniunz.vcxproj12.29 years18,969
- miniunz.vcxproj.filters2.41 years917
- minizip.vcxproj12.29 years18,549
- minizip.vcxproj.filters2.41 years917
- testzlib.vcxproj2.41 years26,288
- testzlib.vcxproj.filters2.41 years2,026
- testzlibdll.vcxproj12.29 years19,022
- testzlibdll.vcxproj.filters2.41 years919
- zlib.rc1.14 years954
- zlibstat.vcxproj2.41 years26,585
- zlibstat.vcxproj.filters2.41 years2,405
- zlibvc.def1.14 years7,333
- zlibvc.sln12.29 years10,153
- zlibvc.vcxproj2.41 years38,693
- zlibvc.vcxproj.filters2.41 years3,930
- vc111.14 years
- miniunz.vcxproj11.83 years19,150
- minizip.vcxproj11.83 years18,730
- testzlib.vcxproj2.41 years26,559
- testzlibdll.vcxproj11.83 years19,203
- zlib.rc1.14 years954
- zlibstat.vcxproj2.41 years26,909
- zlibvc.def1.14 years7,333
- zlibvc.sln11.83 years8,539
- zlibvc.vcxproj2.41 years40,458
- vc121.14 years
- miniunz.vcxproj8.19 years18,926
- minizip.vcxproj8.19 years18,509
- testzlib.vcxproj2.41 years26,350
- testzlibdll.vcxproj8.19 years18,979
- zlib.rc1.14 years922
- zlibstat.vcxproj2.41 years26,587
- zlibvc.def1.14 years7,333
- zlibvc.sln8.19 years8,499
- zlibvc.vcxproj2.41 years40,003
- vc141.14 years
- miniunz.vcxproj8.19 years18,926
- minizip.vcxproj8.19 years18,509
- testzlib.vcxproj2.41 years26,350
- testzlibdll.vcxproj8.19 years18,979
- zlib.rc1.14 years922
- zlibstat.vcxproj2.41 years26,587
- zlibvc.def1.14 years7,333
- zlibvc.sln8.19 years8,497
- zlibvc.vcxproj2.41 years40,003
- crc32.c1.56 years31,605
- crc32.h2.88 years591,749
- deflate.c1.14 years81,731
- deflate.h1.14 years14,041
- examples1.14 years
- enough.c2.41 years24,856
- fitblk.c1.56 years8,596
- gun.c2.41 years25,942
- gzappend.c2.41 years16,978
- gzjoin.c11.83 years14,132
- gzlog.c1.14 years41,537
- gzlog.h2.41 years4,558
- gznorm.c2.88 years22,182
- README.examples2.88 years1,970
- zlib_how.html1.56 years29,827
- zpipe.c12.29 years6,323
- zran.c1.14 years21,412
- zran.h1.56 years2,722
- FAQ1.14 years16,482
- gzclose.c1.56 years668
- gzguts.h1.14 years6,676
- gzlib.c1.14 years16,270
- gzread.c1.56 years19,918
- gzwrite.c1.56 years19,237
- INDEX12.29 years1,988
- infback.c1.56 years22,669
- inffast.c1.56 years12,924
- inffast.h1.56 years422
- inffixed.h12.29 years6,332
- inflate.c1.14 years55,519
- inflate.h2.88 years6,683
- inftrees.c1.14 years13,024
- inftrees.h1.14 years2,920
- LICENSE2.41 years1,002
- make_vms.com2.41 years26,404
- Makefile12.29 years100
- Makefile.in1.14 years13,811
- msdos8.19 years
- Makefile.bor12.29 years3,098
- Makefile.dj28.19 years2,620
- Makefile.emx8.19 years1,447
- Makefile.msc12.29 years2,924
- Makefile.tc12.29 years2,657
- nintendods12.29 years
- Makefile12.29 years4,741
- README12.29 years209
- old1.14 years
- descrip.mms12.29 years1,545
- Makefile.emx8.19 years1,456
- Makefile.riscos12.29 years3,767
- os28.19 years
- Makefile.os28.19 years4,109
- zlib.def12.29 years778
- README12.29 years133
- visual-basic.txt1.14 years6,056
- os4001.14 years
- bndsrc2.41 years4,313
- make.sh8.15 years10,727
- README4001.14 years1,870
- zlib.inc1.14 years32,792
- qnx1.14 years
- package.qpg1.14 years6,427
- README1.14 years5,317
- test1.14 years
- example.c1.14 years15,547
- infcover.c1.56 years24,724
- minigzip.c1.14 years14,874
- treebuild.xml1.14 years3,140
- trees.c1.14 years40,937
- trees.h12.29 years8,472
- uncompr.c1.56 years2,911
- watcom12.29 years
- watcom_f.mak12.29 years1,439
- watcom_l.mak12.29 years1,407
- win321.14 years
- DLL_FAQ.txt1.14 years17,313
- Makefile.bor2.88 years2,507
- Makefile.gcc2.88 years4,983
- Makefile.msc2.88 years4,657
- README-WIN32.txt1.14 years4,864
- VisualC.txt8.15 years124
- zlib.def2.88 years1,688
- zlib1.rc2.41 years1,138
- zconf.h1.14 years16,500
- zconf.h.cmakein1.14 years16,551
- zconf.h.in1.14 years16,500
- zlib.31.14 years4,476
- zlib.3.pdf1.14 years25,523
- zlib.h1.14 years96,829
- zlib.map1.14 years1,453
- zlib.pc.cmakein12.29 years294
- zlib.pc.in12.29 years254
- zutil.c1.56 years7,179
- zutil.h1.14 years6,677
- configure233.7 days146
- COPYRIGHT-BSD2.txt11.02 years1,516
- debian4.09 years
- makedeb.sh4.09 years3,465
- Dockerfile84.2 days4,198
- extsrc7.4 days
- cson_amalgamation.c201.8 days169,329
- cson_amalgamation.h201.8 days96,306
- linenoise-win32.c17.4 days9,777
- linenoise.c17.4 days82,046
- linenoise.h287.2 days4,782
- pikchr-worker.js8.2 days7,623
- pikchr.c8.2 days286,070
- pikchr.js8.2 days29,678
- pikchr.wasm8.2 days97,822
- shell.c7.4 days1,063,635
- sqlite3.c15.9 days9,256,327
- sqlite3.h15.9 days661,724
- fossil.1133.6 days3,078
- Makefile.classic30.3 days3,432
- Makefile.in143.4 days5,652
- Makefile.osx-jaguar3.20 years2,229
- README.md6.00 years670
- setup4.09 years
- fossil.iss4.09 years1,741
- fossil.nsi9.49 years1,824
- skins10.2 days
- ardoise1.09 years
- css.txt1.09 years45,249
- details.txt4.13 years157
- footer.txt1.09 years526
- header.txt1.09 years1,584
- images7.16 years
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- delindent.svg7.16 years278
- delindent_h.svg7.16 years356
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- underline_h.svg7.16 years460
- undo.svg7.16 years354
- undo_h.svg7.16 years431
- README.md7.16 years963
- black_and_white1.09 years
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- header.txt1.09 years712
- blitz1.09 years
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- css.txt1.09 years35,465
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- rss_20.png10.00 years573
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- details.txt4.13 years157
- footer.txt1.09 years894
- header.txt1.09 years3,826
- README.md10.10 years151
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- footer.txt1.09 years172
- header.txt1.09 years839
- README.md1.09 years756
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- details.txt9.85 years120
- footer.txt1.09 years76
- header.txt1.09 years708
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- footer.txt1.09 years894
- header.txt1.09 years3,562
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- details.txt7.30 years120
- footer.txt1.09 years76
- header.txt1.09 years503
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- details.txt4.34 years120
- footer.txt1.09 years222
- header.txt1.09 years3,861
- README.md10.04 years105
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