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145 events for the month beginning 2016-11-01 by user andygoth

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Correct issue with open/closed tags by changing the closed column to a quasi-aggregate query, i.e. one which is a function of the argument to GROUP BY and not anything which varies within the group. This gives consistent results with the baseline branch ls command, but it introduces a MAJOR performance regression. Listing closed tags goes from 0.033s in the baseline to 1.882s, i.e. it takes 56 times longer. ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: b302f89352 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-branch-list)
Remove min() from closed expression. It doesn't solve the problem, and it confuses analysis of the issue. ... (check-in: 4e7d2ce121 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-branch-list)
23:20 Edit [a6a4482056851df4|a6a4482056]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: f584e29d70 user: andygoth)
Begin work merging new_brlist_page() into brlist_page(). Annoyance: The new open/closed checkboxes don't quite work the way I want them to work. Deselecting both has the effect of selecting both. This makes sense in that if neither the open nor closed query parameters are given, everything should be displayed, rather than nothing. Yet, the user interface would be nicer if deselecting the only selected checkbox causes the other checkbox to be selected. This can't be done with straight HTML because deselecting the checkbox removes it from the query string, and the server does not know which checkbox was deselected so it cannot force the other one to become selected. As far as I know, JavaScript is required. Bug: Non-aggregate HAVING clause expressions are evaluated on an arbitrarily chosen row within each group. This breaks closed and open filtering for the command-line branch command and the new checkboxes. But shouldn't this also break non-aggregate result expressions? Wish: Filter on normal/hidden branches too. Wish: If a merged-to branch is hidden, don't show it in the resolution column, instead show something else. The latest merged-to? The earliest merged-to? Wish: Branch name filters, just like on the timeline page. ... (check-in: a6a4482056 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-branch-list)
Enable linenoise multiline editing so long commands and queries may be seen all at once therefore highlighted and copied from xterms ... (check-in: 03b6869856 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Only #include "linenoise.h" in fshell.c on non-Windows platforms ... (check-in: 9c90682b02 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
23:41 Edit [b59fa7d0e731502f|b59fa7d0e7]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: 58a5b1e554 user: andygoth)
Allow uv delete (or del) as an alias for uv remove or uv rm. See []. ... (check-in: b59fa7d0e7 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix revert -r option to mark a reverted file as edited if the reverted-to version does not exactly match the checkout version, even if the file size is equal ... (check-in: f9080683f0 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Make changing to a symlink take priority over all other change types. This might also be a solution to the problem fixed by the previous commit, but it also avoids having a file that becomes a symlink (with target string length not equal to former file size) being marked as an ordinary edit. ... (check-in: f10a284abb user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Don't rely on vfile.islink to tell whether or not a file is currently a symlink for the purpose of avoiding calling file_contains_merge_marker(). It is possible for a file to have become a symlink since the last commit. If the link target's string length is not equal to the former file size, vfile_check_signature() will treat it as a normal change and not mark it as chnged==8 (SYMLINK), so execution can fall through to the undesirable call to file_contains_merge_marker(). ... (check-in: 43140feb1d user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Avoid listing added files when running "fossil changes -edited" ... (check-in: 0dea016de1 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add script to automate updating common command list in man page, and use it to update the man page ... (check-in: 42d6c86fa1 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix timeline -n 0 to display an unlimited number of lines (rather than zero) to match documentation. Correct timeline -n for negative N documentation to match actual behavior. Limit compute_ancestors() and compute_descendants() on the assumption that there is no more than one entry per line. ... (check-in: def9af43a3 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
04:24 Edit [e7192bb975d00e3b|e7192bb975]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: df01123847 user: andygoth)
Make artifact|whatis page use local time to match the timeline. Otherwise clicking on date/time links finds the wrong check-in in the timeline. May wish to convert other calls to datetime() to use local time. ... (check-in: e7192bb975 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix typo in help text for fossil tag ... (check-in: 405a93e4dc user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Minor tweak to changes help text: move some trivia to the end so the more important material is read first ... (check-in: 5c8bdd00c2 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Minor tweak to branch help text ... (check-in: 596f29fa1b user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Tweak changes's help text ... (check-in: 9686570ab5 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
17:21 Edit [01c83bfbbfc5700a|01c83bfbbf]: Move to branch mistake. Add propagating "hidden". ... (artifact: 4c6a048ba1 user: andygoth)
17:20 Edit [65207d617dfb2da1|65207d617d]: Add propagating "hidden". ... (artifact: d2d87839d4 user: andygoth)
04:51 Edit [e9a43ae0ef5ac20b|e9a43ae0ef]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: c8d46c43c0 user: andygoth)
Correct recent makeheaders.html documentation update to respect the prohibition of multiple global variables per declaration ... (check-in: ba5ab70e96 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Use disjoint timelines when filtering by the chng timeline query parameter ... (check-in: e7bdbbe435 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Use rgba(0,0,0,0.5) instead of #888 to implement 50% shadow so that the shadow works even against a colored or dark background ... (check-in: f23ccc89ce user: andygoth tags: trunk)
CSS corrections for checkboxes ... (check-in: 446d438ee0 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add crlf-glob to tester.tcl ... (check-in: e754cad9bc user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Partially backout [bf9669f5]. Leave whitespace alone in test files ... (check-in: 6a3e2ed87e user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove some tabs and end-of-line whitespace ... (check-in: bf9669f55e user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Further updates to the changelog ... (check-in: 63ed4b00f3 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Move changes to bottom (were placed at top by prior merge) and change verb tense to match other changes ... (check-in: 1d1b5c732f user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add item to describing updated changes|status command ... (check-in: c3c348b789 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Integrate andygoth-crlf. This renames CRNL to CRLF throughout Fossil. crnl-glob is renamed to crlf-glob, but crnl-glob is retained as a compatibility alias. ... (check-in: 87320cf482 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Update for a new instance of crnl-glob that was added since this branch's baseline ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 46fd89ea9b user: andygoth tags: andygoth-crlf)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 7ea74acf55 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-crlf)
Ensure deleted/missing files are not processed as other types of files when C_DELETED and C_MISSING are not specified ... (check-in: e9a43ae0ef user: andygoth tags: trunk)
00:38 Edit [45e2e3e968c72f1e|45e2e3e968]: Mark "Closed". ... (artifact: 8804ce031a user: andygoth)
Integrate andygoth-timeline-ms for broader testing and comment ... (check-in: 5e17369711 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Integrate andygoth-changes, try two ... (check-in: e7764947d7 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Correct SELECT to not exclude added files, i.e. files not present in the blob table ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 45e2e3e968 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Like I said, it has a problem with showing added files. ... (check-in: d57d357d1c user: andygoth tags: trunk)
23:47 Edit [61da77525f0a1e3c|61da77525f]: Remove the "Closed" mark. ... (artifact: ff400f36ef user: andygoth)
Immediately backout [7c8cc2adab]. Turns out it has a problem with showing added files. ... (check-in: d87c85c1c7 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Integrate andygoth-changes for broader testing and comment. This change should be fully backward-compatible, unless of course a script depends on the help text never changing or new options never being added. All existing options and defaults should work identically to before. I had planned to update the ls command to use the same backend as changes/status, but that work will have to wait until we decide if the ls options should be redesigned. The SCAN_MTIME, SCAN_SIZE, C_MTIME, and C_SIZE flags are currently unused and can be removed, but their presence harms nothing, and they should be useful for a basis for an updated ls command, though they may need modification to address confusion between commit time, on-disk mtime, checked-in size, and on-disk size. ... (check-in: 7c8cc2adab user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Correct SQL syntax error on "fossil changes -merge" which is not supposed to display any files yet still tries to run the file query even though it says only "ORDER BY pathname" with no SELECT ... (check-in: 61da77525f user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 74a5873cca user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Correct internal contradiction in updated ls documentation to match actual behavior. This is too complicated. ... (check-in: bc5a67d1ab user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Document actual behavior of ls command. I'm questioning whether it's worth maintaining backward compatibility with this highly non-orthogonal collection of options whose behaviors all affect each other with varying degrees of nuance. ... (check-in: 0a4310b34b user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Split SCAN_META to SCAN_MTIME and SCAN_SIZE. None of these are in use at the moment. ... (check-in: 2862f1c293 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Remove hard-coded demo of mtime and size from changes and status commands ... (check-in: 8cd81143e7 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Remove some excess comments, minor rearrangement ... (check-in: 8b8e765423 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
More reliably work around the problem experienced by the previous commit. Not sure if this is the right long-term solution since we seem to have an architectural problem: at least one of Fossil's custom SQL functions can change the schema (in this case, by creating a temporary table), thereby invalidating a prepared statement while it is running. See the comment in checkin.c for a bit more information. Of course, there are rearrangements that avoid the issue, but it is certainly a trap for the unwary. ... (check-in: 5258a43d78 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
08:01 Edit [9d5de8d702e8b00c|9d5de8d702]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: 95d0974a28 user: andygoth)
Begin expanding status_report() to support being the backend for the ls command. The work is not yet complete. First we must debug a mysterious abort in SQLite. Test case: run "./fossil changes -differ" with at least one changed file. ... (check-in: 9d5de8d702 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Rename sfile x column to pathname to match vfile and to make room for new columns I plan to add ... (check-in: ec9480fcba user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Use clearer method of differentiating between the status and changes commands ... (check-in: 4d33d95899 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Add more comments. Replace the changesOnly field with the knowledge that --classify and --no-classify are the only table-driven options specific to the changes command. Correctly ignore --header and -v|verbose when running the status command so their use triggers an error. Add the --differ option which combines the default list of changes (sans --merge) with --extra, i.e. all files that differ from the checked-out baseline version. ... (check-in: d1214f3797 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Remove stale TODO comment. May still want to implement ls in terms of status_report() though. ... (check-in: bfb7dd2aed user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Change -unmodified/UNMODIFIED to -unchanged/UNCHANGED in status_report() for consistency with the ls -v command ... (check-in: 5775d3761f user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Minor optimization to status_report() to avoid building list of managed files if only unmanaged files are requested. Move unmanaged file reserved name filtering to status_report(). Ensure db_get*() calls happen after db_must_be_within_tree(). Implement extras_cmd() in terms of status_report(). ... (check-in: d52fd18529 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Remove unused final argument to locate_unmanaged_files() ... (check-in: c2b3f6b1c0 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Fix wiki syntax error ... (check-in: 000f2193b0 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Clarify linenoise ... (check-in: 8a310633a7 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Mention linenoise and miniz in ... (check-in: f6ab9e2867 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove flag debug prints from status_cmd() now that it seems to be stable ... (check-in: 31c6140e75 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Fold print_changes() into status_cmd() (formerly changes_cmd()). Remove C_SHA1SUM, C_HEADER, and C_VERBOSE flags which are no longer needed for communicating options to print_changes(). Move locate_unmanaged_files() closer to the top of the file so status_cmd() can call it. Implement C_UNMODIFIED and C_EXTRA in status_report(). Document the fact that the changes and status commands take optional path arguments. Let changes and status commands accept --case-sensitive (was already done), --dotfiles, and --ignore for the benefit of --extras. Incorporate search for extra files into status_cmd(). ... (check-in: f15d20e39b user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Merge the status command into the changes command. ... (check-in: 2c3a108c72 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Add TODO: reimplement ls and extras in terms of status_report() ... (check-in: 442a3cd5e5 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Adjust the way --changed is implemented. Improve documentation. Avoid saying EDITED for files with other types of changes if those change types were not selected for display. ... (check-in: 2408fd1c2c user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Implement most of the new changes command, still need to do --all, --unmodified, and --extra ... (check-in: 7595bdfbf0 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Correct copy-and-paste error in comment ... (check-in: 426a5e7e93 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Comment tweak ... (check-in: c3f7259326 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Implement changes option parser and default logic, still need to implement filtering ... (check-in: cc3baab8ad user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
20:01 Note: Style update due to [8d880f0bb4] ... (technote: [8d18bf27e9] user: andygoth)
Update makeheaders.html Summary And Conclusion chapter number ... (check-in: 994ac6fb03 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: e6787d1ed8 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Have makeheaders ignore completely anonymous enums so they can be used within a single source file, useful for value autoincrementing. Update documentation accordingly. Write more about makeheaders's limitations discovered while researching this issue. Remove unnecessary explicit links to makeheaders.html in said file so it can be renamed without consequence. Ensure href attributes are surrounded by quotes. Add missing </html> to end of makeheaders.html. ... (check-in: 4dcfbc1c8a user: andygoth tags: trunk)
16:54 Edit [26abbe3b04707bf7|26abbe3b04]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: a0fd28fbf0 user: andygoth)
16:20 Edit [187424e891b6ccb8|187424e891]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: d0e3328c89 user: andygoth)
Add missing title tags to documents ... (check-in: 26abbe3b04 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Correct title of Principles Of Operation page. Perhaps mkindex.tcl should be taught to extract titles from the documents themselves ... (check-in: 57896771f6 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove which is a relic (avoiding the pun...) from when the commands were documented as individual /doc/cmd_*.wiki files ... (check-in: dac02c3dcc user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: a47d79e910 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
Expand list of stopwords in permuted index ... (check-in: 95bb5a24e2 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Cherrypick [419a3c3e48] and [805b69772e] which were checked in on the wrong branch ... (check-in: 6311ff7604 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Update permuted index to show non-permuted items in bold ... (Closed-Leaf check-in: 805b69772e user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Make mkindex.tcl directly executable ... (check-in: 419a3c3e48 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 839eca1842 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Cherrypick one more timeline help text update from [5703ccb2e0] ... (check-in: 40de787d36 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add BCCFLAGS and XBCC to build system so that programs which run on the build platform (e.g. translate) can have the benefit of CFLAGS, e.g. -ggdb3 for easier debugging in gdb or -std=c89 to flush out C99. Do not update win/* because I don't have the ability to test those changes. ... (check-in: ad11034603 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Demote the rss command to second-tier because it is infrequently used and falls in the saame general category as the server and cgi commands which are already second-tier ... (check-in: d623a0adbe user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix minor typo in comment ... (check-in: 6a6dae151d user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Change help index command list from seven columns to six to better match the widths of the other lists presented on the page ... (check-in: 2f61357426 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
In help index, display first-tier command names in bold ... (check-in: 37e8c173a6 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Use symbolic name CMDFLAG_WEBPAGE instead of directly saying 0x08 ... (check-in: dfa23f5bba user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Ignore empty command name in help page so that /help/ is treated the same as /help ... (check-in: e237cea4c2 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Include name of command or page in help title ... (check-in: 9b15ec0d6c user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove "Command-line" from name of help page which documents web pages as well as commands ... (check-in: ccd4ca87b0 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Cherrypick timeline help text updates from [5703ccb2e0] ... (check-in: 9807c1da47 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove "Testpage:" from title of all-in-one help text page ... (check-in: d8506df183 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Replace Show/Hide Cookies in test_env page with a checkbox ... (check-in: 7814e9b59b user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Change Files/Folders selection to a Folders Only checkbox ... (check-in: b6a824eccb user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 4630d9ba8b user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Rework style.c to use new line continuation feature of translate.c ... (check-in: 9c21101119 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Enhance translate.c to interpret backslash at the end of a cgi_printf() "@" line as a directive to omit the newline ... (check-in: e193e21be3 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Check regular expressions for errors. Add error reporting mechanism. Leave bad patterns out of filter. Add showid and showsql to timeline help text. ... (check-in: 5703ccb2e0 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Merge fork ... (check-in: 3cb9ba4de6 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add fossil_strndup() function to duplicate a string that is not necessarily NUL-terminated ... (check-in: b98776679e user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Add timeline rel query string and change r=TAG to be an alias for t=TAG&rel so that related can be a checkbox and the tag filter text entry can work whether or not related is checked. This addresses issues (2) and (3). ... (check-in: 90057326f4 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Add functions to modify and delete query parameters ... (check-in: 1c511cd9e6 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Draw dotted box around entire row of checkout version, not just the check-in comment and descriptive text. In my experience, it's too hard to see the dotted box against a colored background when the checkout version is on a branch. This whole-row behavior matches the version marking option provided by the timeline "m" query string. I considered also increasing the line thickness from 1px to 2px, but I found it to be too distracting. Instead, I added a very faint shadow similar to, but much lighter than, the one used by the "m" version marker. ... (check-in: e5b53f15cb user: andygoth tags: trunk)
03:42 Edit [d4a6d3c1ec0ed832|d4a6d3c1ec]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: e21659a228 user: andygoth)
Rework [98cc8782e1] to more thoroughly ignore empty match tags and patterns so that the "Related" submenu item does not appear due to an empty tag filter text entry adding "t=" to the query string ... (check-in: 3bcdc07793 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Merge trunk. Some issues identified by [d4a6d3c1ec] are now improved. (1) is fixed, though clicking/tabbing outside the entry field also triggers a submit which may prove annoying. (2) and (3) are still broken. (4) is better because "With/Without Files" is now a checkbox simply labeled "Files". (5) is closer to being feasible, perhaps if "Tag Filter:" is changed to "Filter:". ... (check-in: 74fe9587f8 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Use <label> to connect setup checkboxes with their label text so either the checkbox or the label can be clicked on, also makes the checkbox highlight when the mouse hovers on the label ... (check-in: 9036122dcb user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add explicit call to form submit() when changing a text entry so style_submenu_entry() can be used multiple times per page ... (check-in: 2929d5fced user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add missing close angle bracket omitted by previous commit ... (check-in: 2dd295344e user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Cherrypick [2e9ac33a9a] ... (check-in: e32803bbf6 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove extra class='submenuctrl' from checkbox input because already present in the enclosing <label> ... (check-in: bccaea605c user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Change branch color option from a binary submenu to a checkbox ... (check-in: 3a98c9b541 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Change "v" (files) option from a binary submenu to a checkbox, move to the right of the unhide checkbox so the checkboxes are grouped together ... (check-in: a482549c45 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Correct builtin text capability, broken by typo in [e5b62edb28] ... (check-in: 584546fe77 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Implement style_submenu_checkbox(). Change "unhide" to a checkbox so it can be cancelled without editing the URL by hand. Update skins to support use of <label> tag. Remove redundant "if" check in style.c. Checkbox styling can certainly be improved, but this is a start. ... (check-in: 8d880f0bb4 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Use linenoise for fossil shell. Do not bother with persistent history. ... (check-in: 6327b026a8 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
23:21 Edit [9b960af1294ee942|9b960af129]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: 0d2d98a594 user: andygoth)
23:20 Edit [9b960af1294ee942|9b960af129]: Edit check-in comment. ... (artifact: 1200cfbbff user: andygoth)
Cherrypick [9b960af129], was supposed to have been checked into trunk in the first place ... (check-in: bbafc013aa user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix various typos in makeheaders.html. Use curly quotes instead of classic `` and '' quotes (ref: []). Format most such quoted text in monospace print. ... (check-in: 9b960af129 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Consistently use the count(X) macro in place of sizeof(X)/sizeof(*X) throughout the Fossil core, excluding things that don't use makeheaders. Also use count(X) instead of ArraySize(X) which has the same definition. ... (check-in: e5b62edb28 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Fix crash introduced by merge of andygoth-quote-apostrophe ... (check-in: 10b98c1e61 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 250c12c2f7 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Use count(x) instead of sizeof(x)/sizeof(*x) ... (check-in: cda8c14c16 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Use timeline_submenu() instead of style_submenu_element() ... (check-in: c1a77615ca user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Remove unused, undocumented zTitle argument to style_submenu_element(). This argument appears to have been unused all the way back to [dbda8d6ce9]. ... (check-in: 187424e891 user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Improve quoting of match tags and patterns. Ignore empty match tags and patterns. ... (check-in: 98cc8782e1 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Integrate andygoth-quote-apostrophe. Needed because single quotes can be used in the tag filter entry, and these single quotes would otherwise be passed through unprotected to the output HTML. ... (check-in: 68bd2e7bed user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
int/size_t pedantry ... (check-in: 30d96141cd user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Modify linenoise.c so that it can build with -std=c89. Baseline linenoise.c relied on snprintf(), strdup(), and strcasecmp() which are technically not in C89. Since linenoise.c's only purpose (at present) is to implement the SQLite shell, make use of the SQLite compatibility functions. Following this change, "fossil clean -f && CFLAGS='-std=c89 -Wall' ./configure && make" builds without warnings or errors on gcc 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) on CentOS release 6.4 (Final). Unrelated note: discovered during testing that "CFLAGS=-Werror ./configure" fails to add -lm to link step due to conflicting types for built-in function "sin" being regarded as an error. ... (check-in: 8133501ecb user: andygoth tags: trunk)
Add timeline web UI to set tag filter and match style. Still not 100%. (1) Now that more than one text entry is on the page, pressing enter does not trigger a submit [Firefox ESR 10.0.12], (2) electing "Related" causes Tag Filter to blank, (3) entering a tag filter while "Related" is selected causes "Related" to be deselected, (4) possibly too much clutter, and (5) definitely too much clutter if combined with any future expansions. (1) is due to the lack of a submit button. (2) and (3) are a bad interaction between the t=/r= dichotomy and the design of style_submenu_entry(). (4) maybe could be addressed by changing "Related"/"Branch Only" and "Without Files"/"With Files" to checkbuttons, but style_submenu_checkbox() was never actually implemented. (Probably also want "Unhide" to be a checkbox.) For (5) I have in mind letting the admin define a project-specific list of preset filters. ... (check-in: d4a6d3c1ec user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Change style_submenu_entry() to allow zero and negative iSize. Zero iSize means display size and length limit are not specified, and negative iSize means no length limit is specified but the display size is set to the absolute value of iSize. ... (check-in: 2e9ac33a9a user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Move GLOB before LIKE in list of possible match styles ... (check-in: fc25a1270e user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Revert unintended change that snuck in alongside prior merge ... (check-in: f0b91665ab user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Merge trunk ... (check-in: 490daed204 user: andygoth tags: andygoth-timeline-ms)
Minor tweaks to proposed help text for possible enhanced changes command ... (check-in: b18735fc4a user: andygoth tags: andygoth-changes)
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